Accelerating the transition to carbon-free electricity through clean energy research and analysis

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Why Now?

The window to address the climate crisis is rapidly closing

Why Solar and Storage?

Solar and energy storage are powerful tools in the fight against climate change

About the

The Solar and Storage Industries Institute (SI2), is accelerating the transition to carbon-free electricity through clean energy research and analysis. The institute aims to use policy research, public education initiatives, and direct outreach to policymakers to explain the benefits of clean energy and develop pathways to widespread solar and storage use.

SI2 is the charitable and education arm of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Recent News

How to Efficiently Connect New Generation to the Grid

Amid growing demand for electricity, a report released today by The Brattle Group and Grid Strategies LLC proposes reforms to generator interconnection, the process by which new, large-scale energy resources are connected to transmission grids.   The report called Unlocking America’s

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SI2 Heads to the White House

It was an honor to attend a White House convening on “Accelerating Clean Energy Through Meaningful Community Engagement” last Friday in Washington D.C. The White House brought together an impressive group of state officials, researchers, advocates, and industry representatives to

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Solar and Storage Industry

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Shine Bright:

Solar essay Contest Winners

The Solar and Storage Industries Institute (SI2) is proud to announce the winners of its national solar essay contest for high school students.

The goal of this contest was to inspire the next generation of solar leaders to lend their voice to the future of renewable energy. Thank you to all of the students who submitted their thoughtful essays. Your participation is what helped make this contest a success.