Accelerating the transition to carbon-free electricity through clean energy research and analysis
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Why Solar and Storage?
About the
The Solar and Storage Industries Institute (SI2), is accelerating the transition to carbon-free electricity through clean energy research and analysis. The institute aims to use policy research, public education initiatives, and direct outreach to policymakers to explain the benefits of clean energy and develop pathways to widespread solar and storage use.
SI2 is the charitable and education arm of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Recent News
Flexible Interconnection: A New Solution for Meeting U.S. Energy Demand
For the first time in more than two decades, utilities and regulators across the country are facing a new dilemma: how to meet soaring electricity demand driven by the growing digital economy and increased consumption. Until recently, electricity growth and
New Report Shows Flexible Interconnection Can Boost Revenue by 176% for Community Solar Projects
First-of-its-kind report in the United States shows that flexible interconnection has tremendous potential to play a vital role in scaling community solar projects A new report released today by the Solar and Storage Industries Institute (SI2), shows that flexible interconnection,
New Analysis Shows Many Utilities Are Not Fully Accounting for Expected Growth in Electricity: How Distributed Resources Can Fill the Gap
After two decades of stagnant growth in electricity demand, the landscape is changing. According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), aggregate electricity load growth is expected to double from 0.6% per year as projected in recent years to
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Solar and Storage Industry
Shine Bright:
Solar essay Contest Winners
The Solar and Storage Industries Institute (SI2) is proud to announce the winners of its national solar essay contest for high school students.
The goal of this contest was to inspire the next generation of solar leaders to lend their voice to the future of renewable energy. Thank you to all of the students who submitted their thoughtful essays. Your participation is what helped make this contest a success.